Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Make Me Laugh

Okay, so I had a bad day today. I mean, it could have been A LOT worse than it was. But as a person who dwells on the negatives, you can all trust me and just believe that I did indeed have a bad day. I won't go into details as I think some things are meant to be kept private. {I can't share every detail of my life...otherwise I may as well change the name of this blog to Facebook! haha} All jokes aside, I will say that some of the "bad" was work related and some was a whole mess of personal stuff. And I don't really want to badmouth my work for fear of retribution (hey! A girl's gotta earn a paycheck!(but seriously, who am I kidding to think someone from work will EVER care to read this!!)) And the personal stuff...well, I'd rather just keep it personal until I figure it all out, and even then, I may not blog about it.

BUT (in spite of me being a negative person) I do like to laugh. So, as of recently, my favorite thing to do when I am down is to peruse Pinterest's Humor section. Here are some of my favorites {literally, these things had me laughing until I cried!}

Sometimes I say to my children they drive me so crazy I could eat them--but now I know people actually do this! haha

 I seriously thought this lady was "nakey"  from the waist down!!! Almost had a heart attack, and then I nearly died laughing.

No caption necessary!

 I look at this photo often because it ALWAYS cheers me up, he he he

 Whoever thought of this is a genius, and I am going to resort to this so I don't ever have to clean again!!

 I say this to my kids all the time, true story.

I can't math either, friend.

If you were having as bad of a day as I was, then I hope these cheered you up a little.
xoxo Rebekah

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