Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's been a long day. I couldn't sleep last night because I didn't feel well, and had to be up early for Kaetlyn's soccer game. And I haven't felt well at all today, in fact, I spent most of it sleeping. Yes, even though I spent most of the day was LONG! Probably because the kids spent the day fighting like cats and dogs. :)

Yesterday, I took Alex in for his follow up appointment from his emergency room visit. He couldn't see his regular doctor because he's out of town or something...who knows. I was happy about this since his doctor wasn't concerned about his tonsils to begin with. This new doctor was VERY concerned about Alex's poor swollen pus covered tonsils and sent us up to the ENT. The ENT had absolutely no available appointments for us yesterday, but squeezed us in between a couple of patients anyhow.....SO GRATEFUL!!!! He took one look at Alex's tonsils/adenoids and said that they have to come out. I am nervous about this, but think it will be good for him in the long run. AND he prescribed him a new medication to, in the meantime, get rid of the infection working!!!! Today Alex took a nap in the recliner and, for the first time in a month, was able to breath normally. No gasping for air, no weezing, no snoring. :)

I am beginning to prepare for his surgery. I know it's a month away, but I want to be prepared because I hear that the recovery can be difficult for children. One thing I am doing is learning some sign language and teaching Alex so he can easily communicate with me after his surgery and not have to worry about talking with a sore throat. He knows some sign language already because he was a late talker and I used to sign with him when he was a baby. He still uses the sign for "more" to this day. The signs I am learning mostly are "survival" signs. Thirsty, water, juice, eat, hungry, applesauce, soup, sleep, potty, hurt/pain. Hopefully he'll pick up on it like he use to. I also want to make some cute cold/warm packs for him to use on his throat and ears post-op. Something with cars or trains on them. :)

Anyhow, I feel as if I have come down with some sort of stomach bug. Hopefully, I begin feeling better soon, as in ASAP! I have to get some groceries tomorrow, but will not be venturing out of the house if my stomach is still doing somersaults in there!

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