Saturday, April 2, 2011

Our un-Ridgway Day

Today was mojorly uneventful, and majorly un-chaotic....VERY unRidgway of us.

Normally there isn't much on our agenda, so our day-to-day life isn't generally chaotic in that manner. The chaos just happens...when we do anything. It takes us 1 hour to get dressed in the morning, 45 minutes to get out the door, 10 minutes to get into the car....that sort of chaos. And then there's always bickering among the kids, wrangling my son during soccer practice, spending half of our visit at grandma's in time out. This is the chaos I speak of...this is the (Ridg)way of life.

Today was weird. It was peaceful, mostly. It was a watch tv and be lazy kind of day. The day was not completely without wrangling my son at the soccer game or without bickering among the kids, but mostly, they got along. Today was the kind of day that I cherish. Today was the kind of day that I hope for when I wake up every morning, and even though this kind of day is few and far between, it's the kind of day that makes all the bad, crazy, and chaotic days just seem to melt least until tomorrow.

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