I have realized something recently....Summer is going by way too quickly! For some of my friends, they are just entering their summer break. But I have relaxed into that comfy spot on the summer sofa. The spot that is lightly wore in, the arm pillows are propping me up nicely, I even have a little foot stool to prop my feet on, and the warm summer sunlight is spilling through the window and warming my skin in the chilly air conditioned air.. Yes, I am talking about the two week mark (it's not actually here yet, I am two days early, but who's actually counting). We have quickly fallen out of our morning routines, and staying up late seems like nothing new. We are quite comfortable with where we are in summer break. It's that point in summer break where I am deliriously happy that break has finally arrived yet it feels like we have the entire summer to look forward to. WRONG!!!
That's the problem with the summer sofa. It wants you to feel cozy as if you have all the time in the world to spare. And then before you know it, it's two weeks until the start of the school year and we are running around like mad men trying to get ourselves organized for the school for schools clothes, new kicks, and school supplies. And then that dreaded first day arrives. Well, it's not entirely dreaded as the kids still get uber excited about school...but I dread it because I am NOT a morning person by any means. If I were childless, I would be perfectly happy working 2nd shift, staying up until 3 or 4 in the morning, then sleeping until 2pm every day. But I DO have children, so sadly, I have to deal with early morning wake up calls. My SAHM days are a thing of the past, but at least I still have my summers. For me, summer is about sleeping in as late as the kids will possibly allow (usually 7:45), staying in my pajamas, until at least 1pm, and letting the kids stay up as late I can tolerate in hopes they'll let me sleep in longer in the morning (yeah right lady, in your dreams!!).
Anyhow, in honor of Summer being "nearly" over. I have decided to copycat some of my fellow bloggers and create a summer bucket list. And since I am one of those people who hates lists and finds them completely overwhelming...I [naturally] put a few things a top the list that I/we have already accomplished :)
: wash our car by hand (a favorite of my kids)
: play at these parks/playgrounds at least twice
- Washington playground
- Imagination Station
- Roseland Park
- Lincoln playground
- others that I don't know the names of...
: have a picnic at a park
: go camping (even if it's just in the back yard)
: make s'mores
: PAINT with sidewalk chalk
: visit the winery
: run in another 5k
: re-finish the antique desk I purchased at Goodwill (it will be awesomeness)
: garage sale
: lemonade stand at garage sale
: go "garage sale-ing"
: go to the library!!
: have a tie dye party with the kids and their friends!
: Zoo trip
: go bowling
: go to a Drive-In theater (sadly, I have never been to one and hear it's amazing, so we MUST go...this one should really be at the top of the list!)
Some of these are just for me, but most are for the kids and I to do together. I don't even care if cross everything off the bucket list, but it's nice to have a list of things to do and try our best to do as much as we can. When school starts back up, the kids will look back and think (hopefully) Wow! What a great summer this was!
So get off the summer sofa, join me, and make a Summer Bucket List!! If you've already made one, or have ideas to share, please add them in the comments!