Saturday, June 9, 2012

My favorite park!

Yesterday I decided to take a break from all of the stress.

And I took the kids to a park that we haven't been to in a long time, let them run around, and snapped a few photos. It was definitely the break I needed. (Them too, I am sure!)

They played at the park for awhile, but then Kaetlyn saw the "climbing tree" (that's what I call it). We spent the rest of the time playing on the climbing tree. It's a magnificent tree, and if they ever cut it down, I will be very sad! It's perfect to play in, on, under, and around, and especially perfect for cautious kids like my own. I remember playing on it when I was not much older than Kaetlyn is now.

And this is my favorite photo of Alex. He sat there for quite awhile, I think he might like the tree as much as I do!

We have a few parks where we live, but none are as glorious as this one... It's kind of hidden, so I think even most of the people that live here don't know about this park. It's really quiet, with lots of space, and great for the old and young alike.

My favorite part is just watching the kids be kids.

Do you have a favorite park? And what are you best memories of playing with your children at a park/playground?


  1. We don't go to the parks around here often. Scott got attacked by some boys with sticks a while back and had huge welts on his back. Also people just let their kids run absolutely wild and climb the exterior of the equipment. I'm not a helicopter parent, but I have to be or else my little monkeys see and do.

    1. Monica, that's so scary!! Were you there? I was at playground once when some kids started spinning my daughter on the merry-go-round so fast that she flew off (they were old enough to know better) I got all "mama bear" on their asses and started yelling at them and told them to get home before I have time to jump in my car and follow them to their houses so I can have a little chat with their parents.

      We have one park that I hate going to because it's like a little city built out of wood. Here's a link to an older photo of it (some of it has been rebuilt since it was set on fire but looks mostly the same)
      I hate going to it because I can't watch both kids, they run in seperate directions, and I lose them. BUT I am fortunate to not have to hover over them at the park because they're too chicken to climb on playground equipment inappopriately without my help.
